We know you're counting on us to deliver smart, reasonably priced solutions; to listen to you; and to be available and responsive to you throughout the process.
That's why we guarantee certain things:
- If you contact us, we'll call you or email you back promptly (24 hours max).
If we don't, please try another way of getting in touch—we must not have received your message. We never ignore our clients!
- We'll provide high-quality work that meets your requirements at the most reasonable cost possible.
- You'll love what we create before it goes to press or goes online.
- We hate missing deadlines, so we do everything within reason in our power to push projects through on time.
- We value and respect you and your budget, so we keep you informed…no big surprises.
- Your website won't go live before we work ourselves crazy trying to figure out a way to make something go wrong with it (different browsers, coding glitches, etc.). Everyone's computers are different and we can't test every single application that may be out there, but we try everything we can think of. If it stands up to our abuse, it will perform like a champion for your audience!
- Concerned about backup? From hourly automatic on-site hard drive backup to continuous offsite backup, we make sure your files stay safe and well-protected. And our archives of past projects are organized and easily accessible should you ever need to refer to an earlier design we created for you.
- We are here for you. We're proud of our steady, stable business and our good reputation with clients like you. We won't ever make a big change to our business without informing our clients first.